
VLOOKUP in Excel

 VLOOKUP is perhaps Excel’s most commonly used feature. This course …


VLOOKUP in Excel

23 Lessons
3.5 hours
What you'll learn
You will be able to cross reference data using VLOOKUP in Excel
VLOOKUP formulas in Microsoft Excel
Troubleshooting VLOOKUP formulas in Microsoft Excel

Springboot Framework

Spring is the most demanded Java framework, and its libraries …


Springboot Framework

25 Lessons
2.8 hours
What you'll learn
You will understand the Dependency Injection, Inversion of control and how to access data.
You will be using all of the topics together to develop the application.
You will master the most important Spring Boot concepts.
Learn how to implement Services.
All Levels

Principles of Financial Accounting

Financial Accounting is a crucial subject that converts all financial …


Principles of Financial Accounting

9 Lessons
1.2 hour
All Levels
What you'll learn
You will understand the methods of depreciation in financial accounting.
You will learn the method of accelerated depreciation which is generally used for accounting
You will learn the method of calculating the cost of a product or enterprise.
All Levels

Performance Management

It’s not easy to motivate someone to be their best. …


Performance Management

37 Lessons
4.7 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Develop a working knowledge of the fundamentals of good performance management.
Process of performance management best practices.
You'll develop knowledge and skills in the application of management accounting techniques.
As a performance management tool, create a balanced scorecard.
Conducting successful performance evaluations.
You will be able to recognize company incentives to acquire or merge with other companies.

Modern C++ Programming

This module will deepen your perception of C and give you …


Modern C++ Programming

19 Lessons
1.3 minute
What you'll learn
You will learn the several functions of overloading.
You will learn the techniques and theories of C++.
You will learn what is class and concatenated string.
You will be able to use the advanced components of the C++ language.
All Levels

Mastering C++ Programming

This program is designed for someone who does not have …


Mastering C++ Programming

21 Lessons
2.8 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
You will learn programs to illustrate the use of static variable.
You will learn the techniques and theories of C++.
You will be able to use the advanced components of the C++ language.
All Levels

Life Cycle of Costing

Life cycle of costing is a method that records and …


Life Cycle of Costing

11 Lessons
1 hour
All Levels
What you'll learn
You will understand how gross profit method is applied in costing.
You will learn the physical measure of the manufactured product.
You will learn the method of calculating the cost of a product or enterprise.
You will learn the graph of cost which illustrates the relationship between total cost and output
All Levels

Learn Programming in C++

The course is intended for those who do not have …


Learn Programming in C++

11 Lessons
1.5 hour
All Levels
What you'll learn
You will learn programs to illustrate the use of static variable.
You will learn the techniques and theories of C++.
You will be able to use the advanced components of the C++ language.
All Levels

Java Programming Language

Java is a programming language that can be used to …


Java Programming Language

33 Lessons
3.8 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Learn to program with one of the most powerful programming languages that exists today Java.
Obtain the key concepts of Java programming that will also apply to other programming languages
Learn Modern Java programming rather than an obsolete version of Java that most other courses teach.
All Levels

Java Programming

You’ll be introduced to basic programming principles in this course, …


Java Programming

33 Lessons
3.8 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Skills you will Master :
Java Internal Features
Setting up Java Path
Terms JVM, JRE and JDK
Creating a New Class
Arithmetic Operators
AND Operator Logical
Java Control Statement
Pyramid Pattern
For Each Statement
Overview of Multithreading
Concept of Multithreading
Overview of Java String
What is Immutable String?
Java Regular Expressions
Examples of Regular Expressions
Example of Inheritance
Types of Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Example on Aggregation
Abstract Class and Interface
Example on Interface
Exception Handling
Example on Exception Handling
Creating Custom Exception
Creating Inner Class
Collection Interface
Example of Linked List
Creating in String Format
Collection Example
Collection Example
Types of Java Variable

Java AWT Programming Project

If you want to construct any kind of GUI Application …


Java AWT Programming Project

13 Lessons
2.5 hours
What you'll learn
Learn to program with one of the most powerful programming languages that exists today Java.
Obtain the key concepts of Java programming that will also apply to other programming languages
Learn Modern Java programming rather than an obsolete version of Java that most other courses teach.
All Levels

IT Interview Training Course

The aim of this course is to direct you through …


IT Interview Training Course

22 Lessons
1.5 hour
All Levels
What you'll learn
You will learn and understand the various process while conducting an interview.
You will learn the standard process or structure of interview followed by interviewers.
You will learn the various tips for conducting an interview, how to analyze the skills and qualification of a candidate during interview.
You will learn the multi-stage process for recruiting new hires in the interview process.
All Levels

Introduction to Bitcoin Technologies

Bitcoin is a futuristic digital currency also known as a …


Introduction to Bitcoin Technologies

8 Lessons
1 hour
All Levels
What you'll learn
You will learn and understand the basics of Bitcoin trading.
You will understand the opportunity in investing in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.
You will understand what is Hot and Cold transfers.

Income Statement Analysis

Income statement research is an area of research that examines …


Income Statement Analysis

18 Lessons
3.8 hours
What you'll learn
You will learn CAGR which stands for compound annual growth rate.
You will learn income statement analysis is used to measure financial ratios.
You will learn to calculate the total assets and also understand net assets.
You will also learn to calculate profitability ratio by taking into account both direct and indirect costs.

How to Use VLOOKUP

Without a question, Microsoft Excel is one of the most …


How to Use VLOOKUP

12 Lessons
1 hour
What you'll learn
You will master Vlookup function
You will learn how to correct the errors that most commonly arise when creating lookup formulas
You will learn how to add data validation to make your lookup projects
All Levels

Fundamentals of Accounting

This course fundamentals of accounting is the study of internal …


Fundamentals of Accounting

19 Lessons
3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
You will understand the strategies of fundamentals of accounting.
You will learn the common approach used for determining the value of an asset for inventory accounting.
You will learn the method of calculating the cost of a product or enterprise.
You will learn NRV for determining the value of an asset.