Angular 8 Tutorial
Angular 8 Tutorial
Introduction to Angular 8 Tutorial
Angular 8 is the same as its previous version, if you have already worked with angular previous versions like 2, 4, 5, etc then it is going to be easy for you. Angular 8 is the client-side programming language that is used to create dynamic web pages, This version of angular comes up with new extensive features with a similar base to the previous version.
Brief Explanation
Angular 8 is written in Typescript language, which is used to create dynamic web pages. It is a framework that is used at the client-side and helps us to create user-friendly and interactive web pages for the application. Angular 8 comes with extensive improvements and changes, angular 8 based in Typescript version 3.4, it is a strict typed language and superset of JavaScript language. Angular 8 provide us with strong support to create a dynamic application which basically based on the three of the parameter that is: User, location and time.
In this Angular 8 tutorial, we are creating an event that will invoke a function on click of a button, and display a message on the browser, we have used interpolation here to display the change on the HTML page.
component code:
import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;
selector: ‘app-root’,
templateUrl: ‘./app.component.html’,
styleUrls: [‘./app.component.css’]
export class AppComponent {
title = ‘angular7-demo’;
msg = “”
showMsg() {
console.log(“msg is “)
this.msg = “Hello! Demo for class component.”;
Html code:
<h4>Demo to show exmaple in Angular 8 </h4>
<button (click)=”showMsg()”>Click Here</button>
How Angular makes working easy?
As we have seen in this tutorial that angular 8 is a framework used to create the client-side application. To create any project in angular 8 we have to just follow simple steps that will create a sample project for us by using simple commands. Angular 8 provide us with the various library which makes the development of the application fast, it provides us two-way binding, reuse of component, etc.
1. Maintenance: Angular 8 structure is very sorted we have a different folder for a different purpose. We can differentiate our business logic and server calls, HTML code, and utility code as well. Also, we have to follow general guidelines to create components, services, and .html pages. Code written inside the component is very clean and clear, easy to understand by the developer, so by differentiating the component we can easily maintain our angular 8 applications.
2. Productivity: It provides us reusable components and services, we can pass the data between different components, also we can maintain the parent-child relationship among them and use @input and @Output for better data exchange and intercommunication. In Angular 8 also we have the same syntax and standard to create the components, and inside this, we can place our business logic. So once we are ready with one component we ca easily create differ one and this same goes with service as well.
If we are using any editor for angular 8 like the visual studio is the most common so they will tell as the suggestion and functions they offer, also if we have any error while we the code.
3. Consistency: Angular 8 provides us consistency by which we can easily maintain our application because consistency is very important when it comes to data. Angular provides us service and components which helps us to maintain the consistency for the application by the following ways:
a) Import all required modules.
b) Define metadata using @component.
c) @component class contains the code.
d) service contains server class for data.
4. Track Error easily: The application code can be easily debugged in the browser itself. Also, we can write unit test cases to test our application at the development phase only by running the simple command ng test.
What is Angular used for?
It is used to create single and dynamic web pages application with the following benefits mentioned below;
1) web workers: Angular 8 used web workers to handle the task which is CPU-intensive in the application. In Angular 8 we can use ng generate to create new files, and update the existing files in the code. This will generate files with basic syntax and less boilerplate code.
2) Differential loading: By the use of this feature of Angular 8 we can create two different bundles for our production application. If you create a new project in angular 8 then differential loading will be by default enabled in the application. To enable this for the existing application we need to make some configuration after upgrading our application to version 8.
3) workspace API: Angular 8 added new APIS which will help us to create custom deployments and build commands.
4) Ivy and Bazel
5) Browser specific bundles
6) Upload content faster
1) Dependency injection
2) Two-way data binding: By the use of two-way data binding we do not require to write the additional code for binding our values to the model object. It reduces the lines of code and continuous manual synchronization of model and view.
3) components and service: We can reuse our component and service .ts file just by export and import them in the module. It increases reusability and reduces repetitive code.
4) Scalable
1) Performance
2) Maintenance
Career Scope
This is the most widely used client-side framework, used by any developer to create web, mobile, and desktop applications. It made the development easy for developers. By learning angular 8 we can easily pursue our career in front end development. So many large organizations are hiring for an angular developer such as IBM, Google, CISCO, and many more.
Angular 8 is the second most latest version of angular based on the typescript.
It provides us with so many libraries which reduce the development effort, also you are ware and well verse with angular previous version then you can easily start using angular 8 for your application. Angular 8 is the client-side programming language that is used to create dynamic web pages. This version of angular comes up with new extensive features with a similar base to the previous version. Angular 8 provides us with strong support to create a dynamic application.
Angular 8 breaks the application into smaller parts called components as a module, making it easier to retain